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week 3 2019

week 3 includes

azur star kohlrabi

white lady hybrid turnip

red/green lettuce mix


swiss chard or baby beet greens or extra kohlrabi

kale mix


red beets

garlic scapes

maple syrup

What to do with them? How to Store? Recipes below!

kohlrabi – They look a little like sea monsters, we know, but they are such a great snack! Remove the purple skin with a vegetable peeler or knife and eat the white part. The taste and texture of kohlrabi is similar to broccoli stems, but milder and sweeter. We just love the crunchy/juiciness of kohlrabi! The leaves are edible and can be used interchangeably with collard greens and kale. Use the tops in this wilted greens with coconut milk

(store in the fridge)

white turnips – Don’t let the word turnip fool you, these little gems are sweet, tender and juicy, nothing like the waxy orbs we’re used to seeing at the grocery store. Most people enjoy eating these white roots raw, just plain, with a dip, or shredded into a salad.

Both the tops and the roots are edible. Sautéing the greens, like you would spinach, is a great way to use them.

This recipe for a turnip burger looks good. Or try using the tops in this wilted greens with coconut milk recipe.

(store in a plastic bag in the fridge)

red & green lettuce mix – you know the drill. Salads, salads, salads!

(store in the fridge)

scallions – we love scallions, you can add them to just about anything! Also known as green onions, they’re quite versatile. Why not try grilling them!?

(store in the fridge in a bag)

swiss chard – this is such a beautiful and versatile leaf. The stalk, or rib, takes longer to cook than the leaf, so we suggest removing it, chopping it up smaller, and sautéing it for a minute or two before adding the leaves. Try sautéing the stems with some chopped onions and or garlic in some olive oi. Add in the leaves after 2 minutes and continue to sauté until the leaves are soft. Finish with a squeeze of lemon and a sprinkle of salt.

(store in a plastic bag in the fridge)

kale – don't forget to give it a nice massage before eating it raw.

Note that kale freezes really well, so you can save it for later for soups or smoothies.

This kale pasta has been on our to-do list, hopefully we'll get around to making it soon. We'd also like to try this kale salad.

(store in a plastic bag in the fridge)

cilantro – love it or hate it, the world can be divided into two groups of people; those who like cilantro and those who do not.

One of the easiest things you can do with cilantro is to chop it up and freeze it on a baking sheet in the freezer. When frozen, transfer to an air tight container. Use it at a later date when you’re out of fresh cilantro. Or, treat soft herbs like a fresh bouquet of flowers. Fill a glass ¼ full with cool water, trim the ends of the stems, and then place the bunch in the glass and cover with a bag to keep from drying out. Keep in the fridge. Change the water every couple of days to keep it fresh.

We included A LOT of recipes below.

beets – beets are an amazing vegetable, both the roots and the greens are edible, both raw and cooked. The roots have a sweet, earthy flavour and become sweeter when cooked. The greens taste a lot like chard and can be used the same way. We like our beets steamed or boiled and served up warm, however they're good cold too on a salad.

This sparkling beet lemonade looks good. So do these milk-braised beet greens. Or use the tops in this wilted greens with coconut milk.

(Remove greens up arriving home, leaving 1” of the stem on the roots, store in)

garlic scapes – the whole scape is edible so don’t be afraid to chop it all up. It’s more mild than garlic but can still be rather potent when eaten raw, when cooked it loses a lot of the bite. Sauté it in olive oil with other veggies or try your hand at a garlic scape pesto – try it over pasta. this garlic scape dip looks good.

(store in a plastic bag in the fridge with a damp paper towel - they'll last for about a month!)

maple syrup – please refrigerate! Enjoy on pancakes or waffles, over icecream, or in the turnip recipe below.


Check out the recipe section on our website for a variety of home-tested recipes to help you make the most of your veggies.

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